The Home Renovations Advisor
How to Build a Privacy Wall with Fence Panels
Everyone knows that houses are built not only for the sake of shelter from the elements, but also for physical protection. Because of this, houses have been seen through the eyes of many as some sort of sanctuary from all the noise, chaos and stress of the rest of the world.
This is actually the reason why properties that are farther from the highways get to be sold at higher prices that those that are near the interstate. Because the lesser the noise from the outside world, the better a sanctuary it is.
Unfortunately, even at the so-called sanctuary, people may still feel constricted and lacking in privacy. This sense of lack is the reason behind the fences’ construction. Look at it in this way. Why is it that more houses have higher fences on their backyards than on the front yard? It is because the front yard is just the place where people pass through, but it is the backyard where people stay for relaxation.
Construct the Fence
For people who seek privacy on their own backyards, the best thing to do is to build a privacy wall with fence panels. Even if there are really no prying neighbors, a wall such as this is good enough to soothe privacy issues, while at the same time provide the necessary beauty to the backyard.
Now, building a privacy wall with fence panels begins by measuring the entire size of the wall. To start with, this wall is not really a wall, but rather a series of decorative barriers that look like this: - - - -. The dash represents the wall with the spaces in between these. This gives the measure of privacy required without bordering towards seclusion.
Once the measurements are finished, it is time to compute how much wood is going to be used up based on size on the fence line. As a tip, always attach each piece together while these are lying on the ground. In this way, attaching these together will be easier, safer and the wood is less prone to damage. Now, get the horizontal wood.
The average width of this particular wood for a privacy wall with fence panels is about 12 inches of 4 x 4. Now, attach this piece of lumber on top of two 8 feet long vertical 4 x 4 lumber. These two will be the posts. The end result is going to look like a rectangle with no bottom line.
People might be wondering as to why this is so. There are some decorative wood carvings for privacy wall with fence panels. Select and buy one of these. Some owners may even prefer to use cloth for the covering of the middle part. In any case, always make sure that it is perfect for it because the middle part of the fence is where its beauty comes from.
Now, attach fence panels to the fence posts. Here is how it goes. Attach 2 panels for above, then attach the wood panel carvings on the middle part and attach 2 more panels below it. Next start digging out holes for the fence posts. Once this is done, plant the fence on it and pour in quick drying cement.
Privacy Fence With Wall
Privacy Fence
Privacy Fence
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